Money and time sink
Money and time sink

Eighteen months ago, I wrote about my obsessions with Starcraft II and Carcassonne. Computer games can be a huge time sink for me, especially online games.It keeps me from doing things I really want to do. In early January, as I was wrestling with depression from my divorce, I shirked responsibility by devouring every episode of Community and catching up on this season of Glee. Television - even in non-broadcast form.

money and time sink

In my life, I consider the top three time sinks to be: Others are time sinks because of how long they take. In other words, some obligations are time sinks because of what they are. This second class of time sinks is what I think of when I use the phrase “a waste of time”. I love to do both, but they're absolutely black holes into which my time goes and I never get anything back. For me, watching television and playing videogames are good examples. The second sort of time sink is worse: You spend time doing something, but you'll never get that time back, and you don't get anything to show for your efforts.With these types of time sinks, you're generally rewarded for the time you invest. (Tyler K, care to chime in here?) And yes, you love them, but you recognize that you're no longer able to do other things that once seemed important. When you have kids, they take up all your time. I often think of children in this category. The first kind of time sink involves something you love, but which requires an inordinate amount of time.I think there are two primary types of time sinks: So instead of saying “videogames are time sinks” or “children are timesinks”, it's important to address this question in general terms.

money and time sink

What is a time sink for me may be a life purpose for you. The answer will vary from person to person, of course.


I was wondering if you, or any other GRS readers, had advice on how to tell whether something will be a “time sink” or not since that wasn't completely clear to me. One reader, Alex, is a college student, and he wants to know how to tell is something is a waste of time. One advantage of bringing back the short afternoon posts here at Get Rich Slowly is it'll give me a chance to carry on more of a dialogue with you, the readers.įor instance, there was a good conversation over Friday's post about how I've become a magician of time.

Money and time sink