Raspberry pi ip camera recorder
Raspberry pi ip camera recorder

raspberry pi ip camera recorder

Next, we’ll review our project/directory structure and install the libraries/packages to successfully build the project. In the first part of this tutorial, we’ll briefly review how we are going to build an IoT-capable security camera with the Raspberry Pi. Looking for the source code to this post? Jump Right To The Downloads Section Building a Raspberry Pi security camera with OpenCV

Raspberry pi ip camera recorder how to#

To learn how to build a security camera with a Raspberry Pi and OpenCV, just keep reading! And if he ever returns again, beware, my fridge is monitored! Today I’m channeling my inner undergrad-self and laying rest to the chickpea bandit. Had I known what I do at present, I would have built a Raspberry Pi security camera to capture the hummus heist in action! Of course, back then I wasn’t as familiar with computer vision and OpenCV as I do now. I never figured out who stole my hummus, and even though my wife and I are the only ones who live in our house, I often hide the hummus in the back of the fridge (where no one will look) or under fruits and vegetables (which most people wouldn’t want to eat). No one was to touch my hummus.īut - I was a victim of such hummus theft on more than one occasion… and I never forgot it! Hummus and pita/vegetables were my lunch of choice.Īnd I was very protective of my hummus - college kids are notorious for raiding each other’s fridges and stealing each other’s food. The Pi security camera will be IoT capable, making it possible for our Raspberry Pi to to send TXT/MMS message notifications, images, and video clips when the security camera is triggered.īack in my undergrad years, I had an obsession with hummus. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a Raspberry Pi security camera using OpenCV and computer vision. Click here to download the source code to this post

Raspberry pi ip camera recorder